
The YCC Board of Directors is elected by the membership and oversees the management of the organization.

The Events Committee plans and executes events on behalf of the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce.

The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, and Secretary of the YCC Board of Directors with support from the Executive Director.

The Finance Committee oversees the financial health of the organization.

The Marketing Committee works with the YCC Marketing Director to promote Yarmouth as a family-friendly destination and to promote the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce.

The Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce staff is here for its members.

The Yarmouth Community Partnership is appointed annually by the Board of Directors and is comprised of a chairperson selected from the Board, and up to 9 additional members. The Executive Director will also sit on the committee as an ex officio member. No initiatives will be supported without the YCC Board of Directors’ approval.

The Governance Committee of a chamber of commerce oversees the organization’s internal policies, procedures, and compliance to ensure effective and ethical operation.